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Friday, July 19, 2013

Dog can sense

Dog can sense

Psychologists’ write by pens
Dog can sense, dog can sense

Either women’s pregnancy or death
The ill master’s behaviour of wrath

When a child companion, sick
Dog sense it, by knowledge’s trick

Their sixth sense work for it
All world be aware, bit by bit

Explosive and Drug’s bricks
Having six senses, dog can sense

In world’s polluted climate
Dogs are loyal and clean mate

Love and hate, environmental tense
Dog can sense, dog can sense

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Golden Retriever

Golden Retriever
Golden Retriever


Average Rating



1 2 3 4 5 

Golden Retriever is a robust medium sized dog. Golden Retriever, according to the statistics of the registration in the American Kennel Club is the most popular dog breed on the basis of their most intelligence and the excellent attitude to please a master or owner. Golden Retrievers have an ability of hunting dog which is made them an ideal choice as a guide, search and rescue dog. The hallmark for excellent and multitalented Golden Retriever is their Golden color coat, the golden coat may be light golden or dark golden. Golden Retrievers with the quality of eager to please are the third popular dog breed in USA, fifth in Australia and eight in UK. History proved that the Golden retrievers were initially produced to use them as a gundog which retrieved the waterfowl, ducks, and highland hunting birds. In their beginning, hunter had used them as a retriever and due to this reason they got fame as retrievers. The love of water is filled in the instinct of the Golden Retrievers. Under coat is dense and give them warmth when they used to swim and the outer flat coat is the water repellent. The Golden retrievers are used as Hearing dogs, .Hunting dogs, Illegal Drug Detector, Search and Rescue participant and Guide Dog. Click me please and read more

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dog Breeding

Dog Breeding

Dog Breeding


Breeding is much complex issue today all over the world. It seems easy but not as we think. It is endeavoured in this article to enhance the understanding between breeders and breeding categorically. So as we know the breeding is complex and sophisticated issue. One thing is necessary for the breeding that is experience. Experience is the key for the breeding. It is right to say, less experience may cause the more deaths in breeding. Click me to read more

Friday, July 5, 2013